Gunther Komnick

“What is my intention with my photography? I cannot always find the right words to express what I feel. So I take photographs and my feelings are reflected in the images. I become part of the photographs and they become part of me. They are my impressions of the way I see the world.
It’s here where his survival instincts and driving determination to live life were honed, and just 18 years of age, he and his family escaped to the West.
After he qualified as a lithographer and graphic artist with the Lithographische Kunstanstalt Bromberger in Donaueshingen in the Black Forest, he excelled as a designer in Switzerland before settling in South Africa in 1956.
His successes and accolades are many. Besides creating award-winning advertising, Günther has twice received the prestigious CP Hoogenhout gold medal for his children book illustrations and is a Life Associate of the prestigious Royal Photographic Society.
As a painter uses a brush, Günther uses his camera to capture expressions and moods that reflect truth. Dismissive of all things arrogant and self-serving, his images are honest, direct and always compassionate, even in situations of seeming hopelessness. Günther’s photographs reflect human truth that defies the dictates of time.
Born in 1929 into a cultured East Prussian family of artists, Günther Komnick was fifteen years old when he, his mother and younger sister were thrust into the dark horrors of a Russian labour camp. For three years he experienced humankind’s pain, nobility, resilience, beauty and will to survive in the face of the basest cruelty and disregard for life.